Speaker presentations and other information from the meetings will be posted here for those members that were
not able to be in attendance. This is also for potential members to find out what our organization
is all about and to find out what all can be gained as a professional by attending our meetings.
Presentation on Business Etiquette to be presented at Summer Conference 2012.
Presentation on Computer Security by Brad Schone October 18, 2006
Presentation on Dining Etiquette by Judy Taylor on January 17, 2007
Table Manner Trivia by Judy Taylor
Presentation on Crime Prevention & Personal Safety by Sangamon County Sheriff's Office on January 17, 2007
Presentation on Estate Planning by Richard Freeman on April 18, 2007
Presentation on 18 Tips to Clearer Writing by Mary Bohlen on October 17, 2007
Staying Focused in a Harried World by Linda Murphy on October 15, 2008